By completing this Award, with or without floatation equipment or support, you will be able to:
- Answer 3 questions correctly on pool rules.
- Enter and exit the water without assistance.
- Scoop and splash water onto the face and demonstrate confidence when water is showered over the head with and without goggles.
- Float on the front with or without aids and move to an upright position in the water.
- Float on the back with or without aids and move to an upright position in the water.
- On the front, push off from the wall with face in the water and hold a glide position.
- Swim frontcrawl for 5 metres, with aids if needed.
- Swim breaststroke or butterfly for 5 metres with aids if needed (both strokes to be taught).
- Swim backstroke for 5 metres with aids if needed.
- Demonstrate a sculling action in a vertical position with aids if needed.
- Take part in a teacher led game in the pool.